Telescope : SW Esprit 100ED
Mount : Skywatcher AZ-EQ5 GT
Camera : Atik 460 mono
Guiding :ZWO off-axis guider with QHY 5IIL
Filters :Astrodon Ha(5nm), Baader SII & OIII. Total exposure time :400 min from 2 different nights .
Programs I have used : Nina 1.11 _ PixInsight 1.8.9
Location: Grammatiko, Attiki
NGC 7380 is a young[4] open cluster of stars in the northern circumpolar constellation of Cepheus, discovered by Caroline Herschel in 1787. The surrounding emission nebulosity is known colloquially as the Wizard Nebula, which spans an angle of 25′. German-born astronomer William Herschel included his sister's discovery in his catalog, and labelled it H VIII.77. The nebula is known as S 142 in the 1959 Sharpless catalog (Sh2-142).[2]
It is extremely difficult to observe visually, usually requiring very
dark skies and an O-III filter. The NGC 7380 complex is located at a
distance of approximately 8.5 kilolight-years from the Sun, in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way.[2]
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