17 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Vdb 152 in Lrgb

Vdb 152 LRGB
Telescope: William Optics FLT 110 with F/T focuser 3025 & Starizona usb motor focus
Mount: Skywatcher ΗEQ5 pro
Chip: Atik 314L+ at 0c
Guiding: TS finder 8x50 with Meade DSI I pro
Filter wheel: Starlight Xpress usb 7x1.25
Location: Elikonas
Luminance: 51x420min - 357min
Red: 9x300 - 45min
Green: 9x240 - 36min
Blue: 9x300 - 45min
Total: 483min (8 hours 5 min)
Programs I have used-
Maxim DL ,Pixinsight 1.6, Photoshop CS5, The Sky6 ,Focusmax

Van den Bergh 152, also known as Cederblad 201, is a blue reflection nebula at top left in the image. The large dark nebula stretching through the frame is Barnard 175, a Bok Globule. This complex, also called Wolf's Cave, is located about 1,400 light years away in the direction of the constellation of Cepheus.

Full of very faint dust, this area is part of a large molecular cloud named the Cepheus Flare by Edwin Hubble. The opaque dust blocks most of the starlight behind it, but blue light from a young star is scattered and reflected off some of the particles to illuminate the reflection part of the nebula. Some of the faint dust may be glowing in a dim red color from luminescence, forming an Extended Red Emission nebula (ERE).

14 Ιουνίου 2014

Mare Nubium-Pitatus-Tycho-Clavius

Mare Nubium, Pitatus, Tycho & Clavius
Another one photo with my new setup(ASI 120mm & Skymax 127/1500)
More information about this photo : http://www.astropixel.gr

"Sea of Clouds" redirects here. It is not to be confused with the Chinese poetic term for the surroundings of a mountain's summit, most-notably at Huangshan.
Mare Nubium ("sea of clouds") is a lunar mare in the Nubium basin on the Moon's near side. The mare is located just to the southeast of Oceanus Procellarum.

Tycho is a prominent lunar impact crater located in the southern lunar highlands, named after the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe (1546–1601).[1] To the south is the crater Street; to the east is Pictet, and to the north-northeast is Sasserides. The surface around Tycho is replete with craters of various sizes, many overlapping still older craters. Some of the smaller craters are secondary craters formed from larger chunks of ejecta from Tycho.

10 Ιουνίου 2014

Copernicus crater

Copernicus crater
with my new telescope Skywatcher Skymax 127/1500 Maksutov and my new camera ZWO ASI 120mm.
More information about this photo : http://www.astropixel.gr
Copernicus is a lunar impact crater named after the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, located in eastern Oceanus Procellarum .It typifies craters that formed during the Copernican period in that it has a prominent ray system.
Copernicus is visible using binoculars, and is located slightly northwest of the center of the Moon's Earth-facing hemisphere. South of the crater is the Mare Insularum, and to the south-south west is the crater Reinhold. North of Copernicus are the Montes Carpatus, which lie at the south edge of Mare Imbrium. West of Copernicus is a group of dispersed lunar hills. Due to its relative youth, the crater has remained in a relatively pristine shape since it formed

06 Μαΐου 2014

M 106 (NEW) Add more time

M 106 Lrgb

Messier 106 (also known as NGC 4258) is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici. It was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1781. M106 is at a distance of about 22 to 25 million light-years away from Earth. It is also a Seyfert II galaxy, which means that due to x-rays and unusual emission lines detected, it is suspected that part of the galaxy is falling into a supermassive black hole in the center. NGC 4217 is a possible companion galaxy of Messier 106.

22 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

M 82 Supernova 2014j

SN 2014J
More information about this photo : http://www.astropixel.gr

SN 2014J is a type-Ia supernova in Messier 82 (the 'Cigar Galaxy', M82) discovered in mid-January 2014. It is the closest type-Ia supernova discovered in the past 42 years. It was discovered accidentally during an undergraduate teaching session at University of London Observatory. SN 2014J is currently the subject of an intense observing campaign by professional astronomers, and is bright enough to be seen by amateur astronomers. On 31 January 2014 SN2014J stopped brightening, reaching its peak brightness at magnitude 10.5.

Info from Wikipedia

02 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

M1 The Crab Nebula

Crab Nebula in Ha filter

The Crab Nebula (catalogue designations M1, NGC 1952, Taurus A) is a supernova remnant and pulsar wind nebula in the constellation of Taurus.[5] Corresponding to a bright supernova recorded by Chinese astronomers in 1054, the nebula was observed later by English astronomer John Bevis in 1731. At an apparent magnitude of 8.4, comparable to that of the largest moon of Saturn, it is not visible to the naked eye but can be made out using binoculars under favourable conditions.
At X-ray and gamma ray energies above 30 keV, the Crab is generally the strongest persistent source in the sky, with measured flux extending to above 10 TeV. Located at a distance of about 6,500 light-years (2 kpc) from Earth, the nebula has a diameter of 11 light years (3.4 pc, corresponding to an apparent diameter of some 7 arc minutes) and expands at a rate of about 1,500 kilometers per second (0.5% c). It is part of the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way galaxy.

Info from Wikipedia