Telescope : SW Esprit 100ED
Mount : Skywatcher AZ-EQ5 GT
Camera : Atik 460 mono
Guiding :ZWO off-axis guider with QHY 5IIL
Filters :Astrodon Ha(5nm) 21x600, Baader O3 13x600, SII 9x600.Total : 7hours and 10min
Programs I have used : Nina 1.11 _ PixInsight 1.8.9
Location: Grammatiko, Attiki
The Tadpole Nebula (IC 410) is an H II region located approximately 12,400 light-years away in the northern constellation Auriga.
It is associated with the young open cluster NGC 1893. The cluster has
an apparent magnitude of 7.5 and an apparent size of 11 arcminutes. It
is an easy target for small telescopes.
The dusty emission nebula IC 410 is ionized by five hot, blue, O-type stars, HD 242935 (O7.5V), BD +33 1025 (O7V), HD 242908 (O4.5V), HD 242926 (O7Vz), and TYC 2394-1214-1. These massive stars are believed to be the main sources of ionization in the region. They emit high-energy ultraviolet protons that excite the nebula and make it glow.
The nebula is more than 100 light-years across. It is part of a larger star-forming region that is also home to the nearby Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405).