Telescope : SW Esprit 100ED
Mount : SW EQ6-ri
Camera : ZWO 533 mc pro
Guiding : 8x50 SW finder with QHY 5IIL
Filters: Total exposure time : 105*180min 5hours 15min 12/06/2024
Programs I have used : Nina 2.3 _ PixInsight 1.8.9-2
Location: Grammatiko, Attiki
Messier 94 (also known as NGC 4736, Cat's Eye Galaxy, Crocodile Eye Galaxy, or Croc's Eye Galaxy) is a spiral galaxy in the mid-northern constellation Canes Venatici. It was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1781, and catalogued by Charles Messier two days later. Although some references describe M94 as a barred spiral galaxy, the "bar" structure appears to be more oval-shaped. The galaxy has two ring structures.
M94 is classified as having a low ionization nuclear emission region (LINER) nucleus.[11] LINERs in general are characterized by optical spectra that reveal that ionized gas is present but the gas is only weakly ionized (i.e. the atoms are missing relatively few electrons).