12 Μαρτίου 2013

M 78 in LRGB

-Telescope: William Optics FLT 110 with F/T focuser 3025 & Starizona usb motor focus
-Mount: Skywatcher ΗEQ5 pro
-Chip: Atik 314L+
-Guiding: TS finder 8x50 with Meade DSI I pro
-Filter wheel: Starlight Xpress usb 7x1.25
-Location: Agios Panteleimonas, Attiki,GR (09.03.2013-RGB- & 02.02.2013-LUM-)
-Luminance: 30x300sec 1x1bin
-Red: 6x300sec 1x1bin
-Green: 6x300sec 1x1bin
-Blue: 5x300sec 1x1bin
-Total: 295 min
-Programs I have used-
Maxim DL ,Photoshop CS5, The Sky6 ,Focusmax

The nebula Messier 78 (also known as M 78 or NGC 2068) is a reflection nebula in the constellation Orion. It was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1780 and included by Charles Messier in his catalog of comet-like objects that same year.
M78 is the brightest diffuse reflection nebula of a group of nebulae that include NGC 2064, NGC 2067 and NGC 2071. This group belongs to the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex and is about 1,600 light years distant from Earth. M78 is easily found in small telescopes as a hazy patch and involves two stars of 10th magnitude. These two stars, HD 38563A and HD 38563B, are responsible for making the cloud of dust in M78 visible by reflecting their light.

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